There are two ways to join HSTCC or to renew your membership.

All memberships include a subscription to Twentieth-Century China.

1.       You can use PayPal and join online:

Membership Plans

Cookies must be enabled in order to use PayPal; Prices include a PayPal surcharge of about 3% for this service.

2. Or, you can send in the form with a check:

Membership Dues & Information Form 2022
(print and send back this form to the address below) 

Regular membership:

$  65.00 – one year
$180.00 – three years

Student membership:

$  35.00 – one year
$  90.00 – three years

Please make your check or money order payable to the Historical Society for Twentieth-Century China and mail to:

Dr. Di Luo
Department of History
The University of Alabama
Box 870212
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0212
Maple Grove, MN 55311

For information about membership dues, please contact Dr. Luo: